May 22, 2009

Mentors- they love you they REALLY love you!

So its kiss a Mentor day.... nah not really its just an appreciation day for the Second Life Mentors

The Lindens gave us these cool stars :D with our names on them.....they were skattered all over the sim, each Mentor has one floating about..

WTG Gang you bust your rumps to help and its appreciated :D

February 7, 2009


So, I’m *innocently* standing on HIP with my two good friends Aida and Talula. We are chatting it up over what nots.

Aida, myself and Talula.

Gempa decides to join in the conversation as well with her floaty hearts.

So, standing and standing….humm something is amiss…I thought a hair color change might help in disgusing I smell?

I knew something was up!! It’s the Slap Brigade!!

Whew! It was over in a second.......

This is Gempa and me, I call her gE she’s a sweet heart, you can talk to her about anything and she’ll listen. She also is a full-on crazy at HIP.